PRP for Skin

PRP is a non-surgical procedure that involves taking out the patient's own blood and processing it to procure platelets, fibrin and growth factors for the treatment of scars, wrinkles and skin rejuvenation, improve skin complexion and to restore facial volume.

This treatment uses the patient's natural biology to address skin defects and volume loss, triggering the production of new cells and collagen formulation. Because this material is from the patient's own blood there is no risk of rejection, infection or allergic reaction. In PRP treatment patient's own blood is taken out and then it is centrifuged to separate the blood cells from plasma and platelets. It is then re-injected into the skin to stimulate new skin cells and collagen. After the procedure skin takes time to recover, people might experience redness and mild swelling over the skin, which usually subsides in one or two days.

It is a kind of dermatological procedure that should be done under the experienced dermatologist to get the best results. The process of PRP rejuvenation will take a few weeks to show the effects and may require few sessions at the interval of 4 to 5 weeks according to the skin type.

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PRP along with microneedling is one of the trending treatments for acne scars, wrinkles, age spots, and hyperpigmentation. Microneedling essentially is the usage of a cylindrical roller device with multiple needles that prick the skin and allow new collagen production while healing. This procedure when combined with PRP has added effect. PRP after microneedling can either be injected or topically applied. When it is topically applied it is called the vampire facial. Studies show it is highly beneficial especially to treat acne scars. It is better avoided in patients who have scarring tendency and active facial disorders like acne, dermatitis or rosacea.